Utilizing Ultra-Wideband as a High-Speed Datalink in Medical Ultrasound Imaging
This was the subject of my bachelor end project for Electrical Engineering at the University of Technology Eindhoven. I wrote an IEEE conference style paper in which I delve deeper into designing a custom UWB architecture suitable for data transmission in ultrasound imaging. It was a pretty steep mountain to climb and I would spend…
A cheap, DIY alternative to the PLA2216 logic probe
I recently upgraded from my trusty Rigol DS1054Z to a Rigol DHO924 as I was in the market for a higher bandwidth 12-bit oscilloscope with logic analyzer capability. Whilst purchasing the oscilloscope, I noticed that the price of the logic analyzer it pairs with is above 300 euros, WAY too much for a function I…
Designing an ESP32 Nixie development board
As written in previous posts, I am busy developing an internet-enabled Nixie clock that has style. This faced me with multiple challenges such as designing a power supply, controlling the pins, and running the full assembly. A few costly PCB revisions have already been done, and it could be done way cheaper. As the full-size…