Creating a Bode plotter with an oscilloscope, function generator and Python
At work, I recently used a bode plotter to characterize the gain and phase margins of a high-performance buck converter. I found this device to be fascinating and wanted one for myself at home. I could not think of a reason why, but then again, why not? I thought of combining LXI on my oscilloscope…
The importance of design for manufacturing
Having worked in the production of PCBs, the debugging of PCBs and the design of PCBs, I can confidently say that Design For Manufacturing (DFM) is often overlooked by professional designers. In my professional career, I have met some PCB designers who do not know what impact making certain design choices have on the manufacturability…
Basic KiCad 7.0 guide
Within my study association, I am part of the practical workshop association in which I am responsible for setting up the PCB design workshop among other things. For this reason, a guide had to be created for the participants. That way, they know where to start and they have reference after the workshop. before I…